About Dice Breakers:

Hmm. Well I originally had this section hidden in the HTML, but apparently google does not approve of that? I don't know. I thought it was more fun that way. Anyway, my website doesn't have very many words (outside the database), but I'm told I need to add some so the robots know what happens here. Dice Breakers started as game I made up that used a google sheet and some dice to pick activities when friends and I were indecisive. At first it was mostly activity based, then a friend suggested adding topics of conversation to the list of activities. It was a great addition! Anyway, I couldn't sleep one night and was writing questions to add to the game, then the name D(ice) Breakers came to mind. Maybe I was sleep deprived, but I thought it was clever. I know I'm not the first person to turn the pun into a mini-game, but I do think I've put the most hours into developing the concept!

I want this website to provide a platform for positive, thought provoking, or meaningful conversations. In person, online, wherever works to get people to connect and talk a little bit more! I think we've added enough initial prompts to be a functional foundation for the game. And ideally, eventually, this website is known to people outside my family and prompts are generated more organically. I'm by no means an experienced developer, so I'm figuring things out as I go. I think I've done okay, but if you have suggestions, I'm very receptive to community input! If you want to help guide the development of this site, visit our Upcoming Changes page!